
Curiosities abou the Sugar

Did you know that.........................?

I didn’t!!!!

But now, after reading about sugar, I’ve found a lot of interesting things. For example:

- The sugar contains the same calories a gram of other carbohydrates, but it is the only food that does not bring to the physicist important nutriments like instead fibers, the vitamins or minerals;

- It is a substance that turns out enough innocuous if consumed in small amounts;

- The sugar was much expensive in the end of the ‘500 because it was imported from the Indians;

But, what I don’t know and, for my passion about sugar sachets, I’d like to know is:

- How much sugar there is in a sugar sachet?

- When and where the firs sugar sachet was produced ?

- Who did devise it and why?

If there is someone who knows that things and could help me and all friends of Zuccheropoli, please write an e-mail to

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